Palestine and Malaysia

PCOM has successfully held the 8th Annual Grand iftar with the Palestinian Community in Malaysia on 9th June 2018 at Kompleks Nasyrul Quran, Putrajaya. We have received the honorable guest, H.E. Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia who made her short visit although she had to fulfill other invitation at another event. Other figures who were also joined the event Dato’ Saifuddin Nasution, General Secretary of People's Justice Party (PKR), SAC Shafien Mamat, a representative of IGP of the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), Mr. Tian Chua, Vice-president of PKR and Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar, a former Foreign Minister as well as the Iranian Ambassador to Malaysia, H.E Marzieh Afkham.

Speech delivered by PCOM Chairman, Muslim Imran during 8th Annual Grand Iftar with the Palestinian Community in Malaysia:

Assalamualaikum wrt wbt
And a very warm welcome to you all to our 8th annual grand iftar with the Palestinian community in Malaysia. 

Ladies and gentlemen 
It was a great honor to have had YAB Dato Seri Wan Azizah, the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, as our main guest of honor tonight. Although Her Excellency has other engagements today, she still made it to our program. This shows the greatness of her solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle. May Allah reward her for that.

Brothers and sisters,
I take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation to the sponsors of tonight’s event. I wish to thank Aman Palestin and its CEO Ustaz Awang Sufian for their generous contribution. I also thank MyCare Malaysia and its chairman Prof. Hafidzi for their kind contribution. And finally I wish to thank Nasyrul Quran and Dato Latiff Mirasa for offering us to use this beautiful hall. 
Ladies and gentlemen,
When PCOM was launched 8 years ago by the current Prime Minister, YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and other senior Malaysian leaders; it sought to provide a unique platform for all Malaysians from different political, ideological and religious backgrounds. This was done with the hope of translating people’s sympathies into concrete action.
This role has always been facilitated by the active participation and deep involvement of our dear Trustees and partners.  
I wish, therefore, to express our deepest gratitude to all the members of PCOM Board of Trustees, especially the ones present here tonight:
Dato Saifudin Nasution
Datuk Abdul Latif Mirasa
Dato Nasharudin Mat Isa

Brothers and sisters
The theme upon which PCOM was founded has always been: uniting the Ummah and mobilizing all its capacities for the sake of Jerusalem and Palestine. We always believed in the saying: Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh!

This theme has become so essential, especially after the latest Zionist campaign to transform the Palestinian identity of the city of Jerusalem into a Zionist one. 
Malaysia, along with other Muslim nations, has voiced out its protest to the unjust American move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Such position is highly welcomed and needed. 
Moreover, the bold International objection to the Israeli violations of international law should continue without any delay.

Brothers and sisters,
The last few months have witnessed a new remarkable phase of the Palestinian civil resistance epitomized by the Great Return March that started on the 30th of March, commonly called Palestinian Land Day. 

Since that day, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians continued to march peacefully towards their hometowns in occupied Palestine. This was faced by a brutal Israeli crackdown that resulted in the murder of over 120 innocent civilians while injuring thousands of others, all happening; before the eyes of a silent international community. 
The UNSC has even failed to condemn these heinous Israeli crimes. This shoulders more responsibility on all of us to work harder to bring an end to the crimes of this apartheid regime.
Therefore, I call upon all of you, my dear brothers and sisters, to join the international campaign to delegitimize Israeli occupation and criminalize its wrongdoings. The BDS will eventually yield an international isolation of apartheid Israel; just like what happened to apartheid South Africa. 

Brothers and sisters
A few weeks ago, an evil hand cowardly assassinated Imam Dr Fadi Albatsh in front of his home in Kuala Lumpur. Dr Fadi, a well-known figure in the Palestinian community in Malaysia, was known for his academic excellence and good reputation. 
Those who killed him thought they would scare Malaysia from educating Palestinian youth. We all know that in a long struggle like ours, knowledge is power. Dr fadi’s assassins didn’t want Palestinians to possess any knowledge or power! 
But it is our strong belief, that Malaysia was, still is, and will continue to be a strong supporter of the Palestinian struggle.

In this occasion, and on behalf of the Palestinian community in Malaysia, I wish to express our utmost appreciation to the Royal Malaysian Police for their great efforts to uncover the details of that heinous crime. We trust they will continue to protect Malaysia and its guests from any possible harm. 

الاخوة والاخوات الكرام، الحفل الكريم
نلتقي هذا العام وقد اغتالت يد الغدر الشهيد العالم د فادي رحمه الله. 
قتلوه وهم يحسبون أن القتل والغدر سيثني شعبنا عن التضحية والنضال، وكأنهم لم يروا الاف الشباب والنساء والشيوخ يقبلون في مسيرات العودة نحو الموت دون وجل. 
الشهادة على طريق النصر هي قدر شعبنا، ولينصرن الله من ينصره! وسيعلم الذين ظلموا أي منقلب ينقلبون!

الحضور الكرام،
لطالما حرصت منظمة الثقافة الفلسطينية على رعاية مصالح الجالية الفلسطينية في ماليزيا، ولهذا سخرت الأوقات والطاقات، ونعاهدكم باذن الله أن تستمر هذه الجهود خدمة لهذا الشعب المجاهد وهذه الجالية المباركة. 
وستظل أبوابنا مفتوحة لكل أبناء شعبنا من القدس والضفة وغزة والداخل والشتات.
وهذه دعوة مفتوحة لكم جميعا للمساهمة بدعم منظمة الثقافة الفلسطينية والانخراط في سائر أشكال العمل الفلسطيني في ماليزيا، فالحاجة ماسة لكل فكرة أو نصيحة أو جهد، فالقضية قضية الجميع، والتحدي كبيروالتعاون مطلوب: "وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الاثم والعدوان".
ولا يسعنا في هذا المقام إلا أن نشكر أهلنا في ماليزيا ملكا وحكومة وشعبا على حسن ضيافتهم وكرم وفادتهم، ولهم نقول: بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم عن فلسطين وشعبها كل خير!

Hadirin Hadirat yang dikasihi;

Selamat datang diucapkan,
Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan saya ucapkan untuk Malaysia dan warganya, di atas sokongan serta komitmen yang luar biasa terhadap Palestin dan perjuangan rakyat Palestin. 
Sejarah merekodkan; Malaysia tidak pernah putus daripada memberi bantuan demi menyokong rakyat Palestin, yang ditindas oleh regim Israel.
Kami sentiasa kagum dengan sokongan yang diberikan tanpa henti oleh kerajaan Malaysia, badan-badan bukan kerajaan, serta individu-individu yang selalu bersemangat berusaha dan bekerjasama tanpa melihat perbezaan pendapat mahupun agama, hanya untuk melihat sebuah negara Palestin yang merdeka.  
Negara Palestin merupakan negara yang beruntung kerana mendapat perhatian dan berada di hati setiap rakyat Malaysia.
Perjuangan Palestin juga mendapat tempat di mata pemimpin-pemimpin Malaysia. 
Oleh itu, kami berharap agar kebersamaan ini dapat diteruskan, dan komitmen kepada perjuangan Palestin akan selalu menjadi keutamaan warga Malaysia.  

Terima kasih kami ucapkan,
Kerana kalian selalu membantu,
Jasa dan bakti jadi taruhan,
Akan dikenang setiap waktu.

Sekian, Terima kasih. 

Wassalam alaikum wrt wbt

Author: Mr. Muslim's PA


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